Cancer Disease Frequency Handbook Healing Holistic Other Rife Technology

Sydney Morning Herald article medical expert challenged by Rife operator. Medical authority. The natural health Rife treatment operator says that he supplements the Rife machine. That he knows more about cancer causes than other people rather than being humble. This conflicts with the goal of curing the disease.

Customer Book Reviews

Comprehensive, Thorough Updated Encyclopaedia of Rife's Resonance Therapy and Holistic Health

By Peter W.on Feb 10, 2012

In 2001, The Handbook of Rife Frequency Healing was written by Dr. Compusoft winner 9.0 free download. Nenah Sylver (under the spelling 'Nina Silver'). In 2009, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer was released (under the current spelling 'Nenah Sylver'), which I have also reviewed on Amazon. The 2009 hardcover edition had been updated and expanded from the earlier, smaller softcover edition. Yet this new 2011, third hardcover edition is even better and more impressive. In its 768 pages, it answers a wide range of questions. If you are new to resonance therapy, or if you're already familiar with it and want to explore it in greater depth, Dr. Sylver's book answers both intelligently and competently, questions such as: - Who was Royal Raymond Rife? - How did he discover this therapy? - How did his devices work back in the 1930s? - How do the devices work today? - What should I look for in a device? - What kind of device do I need? - Where can I find the best equipment? - What are the best frequencies to use for specific diseases? - How are the frequencies used? - How were the frequencies determined? - What precautions should I take? - How do I give myself a Rife session? - Where can I find additional help? - What are the legal aspects to Rife Therapy? - Why does my doctor not offer this therapy (in Europe, some do)? If you are looking into taking responsibility for your own health, you also need answers to questions such as: - How does allopathic medicine compare with holistic treatments? - How does resonance therapy compare with allopathic medicine? - Which complimentary therapies should I be looking at? - What foods and nutrients do I need and what should I avoid? These, and many more questions, are answered in great detail. The entire book is full of excellent advice on the whole arena of holistic medicine, electromedicine in general and Rife therapy in particular. If you are looking for information that will have a profound influence on your future health, this is the reference book to get. It's the best Rife-related book I have ever seen on the subject, but it also covers much more useful information in a very factual and well referenced way: past and present day medical politics, and complementary (alternative) therapies that have a much better track record than allopathic medicine and work well with Rife's resonance therapy. Most of the complementary therapies that Dr. Sylver describes in detail can be administered at home by the average person. One of the key questions everybody has is 'What frequency do I need?' There are lists of frequencies out there provided by the device makers, a consolidated list on the Internet, and many suggestions made on Rife community egroups. The problem is, those lists are just lists, a number next to a condition with little, if anything, in the way of explanation. This is where Nenah Sylver's book comes into its own. A large part (over 200 pages) of The Rife Handbook is made up of the very extensive Frequency Directory (Chapter 5, also available as an eBook). Her Directory is not just a list, it is full of detailed explanations as to the origin of the disease, how it affects the body, what other co-infections and conditions may exist along with the one you're looking up, and complementary treatments that can be especially effective along with the frequencies. This last piece is critical, because as Dr. Sylver cautions, if you don't change the conditions that led to the disease, you may develop other diseases or regress entirely. This is why she devotes an entire, lengthy chapter to complementary treatments, which includes diet, supplements, oxygen therapies, detoxification protocols, light and colour therapy, and much more. Dr. Sylver's information on the frequencies is unique. Chapter 5 alone saves hours of searching through thousands of messages on the various internet discussion groups. The Rife Handbook is an ideal reference manual for anyone using Rife therapy, giving you not only the best known tried and tested frequencies to use, but also well researched background information not found anywhere else. I feel it is an essential companion for everyone involved in Rife therapy or Rife research. Effective Rife therapy is all about using the correct resonance frequencies in the right way. As I run the two largest Rife related discussion groups (Rife Yahoogroup and the Rife Forum as well as the Rife Wiki), I am often asked where to find good independent and reliable information about Rife therapy, particularly as there is so much disinformation out there on the Internet. Now I can answer that question very simply. Buy Nenah Sylver's Rife Handbook, and then join the Rife Forum to discuss any further questions you have with the experts, including Nenah herself. In total, Dr. Sylver spent 15 years writing, researching, revising, and rewriting this book, which now contains two additional appendices, bringing the total to five. The third appendix, 'Healing with Electromedicine and Sound,' reports on electrotherapies that complement Rife frequency healing, including lasers, LEDs, and pulsed magnetic fields. And the new fifth appendix, 'Rife Research in the United States,' discusses experiments with a Bare-Rife device that has been proven to destroy cancer cells. This new 2011 edition is organized almost identically to its 2009 predecessor, with at least three (and sometimes four levels) of headings in the text, and a detailed Chapter Outline at the beginning of each chapter as well as an extensive index at the back. When I compare the 2009 with the 2011 editions, I find that Dr. Sylver has managed to trim the text unnoticeably, and pack even more information into the text pages while adding two more appendices. Some of the additions to the text include more references in the Frequency Directory, in particular the mention of more diseases and some additional treatments for cancer. Nenah Sylver consulted just about every expert in the Rife world, and many in the electrotherapy area, to put together this very complete explanation of Rife and electromedicine therapies in the context of holistic medicine. When asked why she spent so many years of her life working on this book, she simply replied 'because nobody else was doing it.' By the way, Dr. Nenah Sylver does not sell Rife devices, is not associated with any particular manufacturer, and has an excellent reputation in the Rife world. The 2001 softcover edition of this book sold over 6000 copies worldwide, to great acclaim and with no paid advertising whatsoever. When the first edition went out of print, used copies of it were selling on from $150 to almost $1500 (no kidding). So at just over $100, this edition, with twice as many pages, is a real bargain. The Rife Handbook has been praised by many health professionals and researchers in the electromedicine, Rife, alternative health and complementary medicine fields. Even if you don't yet own a frequency device, the amount of practical, usable information ensures that this volume belongs on your bookshelf. It is also available as an eBook from her own website. Review by Peter Walker Rife Research, Europe Rife Forum Rife Wiki Rife Yahoogroup

In my 49 year acting career, twice I've played a doctor at the head of a hospital on the soaps As The World Turns and Santa Barbara. Sometimes fans of the shows would even stop me on the street to ask my medical opinion! It then never occurred to me that I'd be doing what I'm doing today..telling anyone reading this review that they should buy a book that I know will lead them along the path to health. This book is enormously important and offers an astonishing compendium of health information. I've been reading books about aspects of health all my life: Dr. Sylver's Rife Handbook has made it possible to dump them all. It is virtually impossible to believe the quantity and quality of research the author has poured into this volume. Massive. The price may seem high but, trust me, it's dirt cheap when you realize what you'll have within its covers. This is a huge book in every way. (In fact, you may have to visit a gym for a while to be able to pick it up!) I've been interested in and have read about Royal Raymond Rife for many years. If you're aware of the man and his technology then this is the book you've dreamed of. In case you don't know Rife's name, google it now and prepare to be astonished. If your search captures your interest - and I wager it will - then this is the must have book that answers all your questions and places Rife's work within the entire spectrum of so-called Alternative Medicine. Not only is it the sine qua non of Rife research (including specific recommendations for Rife machines as well as all his frequencies) but every topic you can imagine in your quest for health has been here carefully discussed. And, by the way, when you begin to educate yourself with The Handbook about the genius Royal Rife and, for example, the fact that he was curing cancer as well as other afflictions with his frequency machine way back in the 1930s, (trials supervised by a number of top physicians in the US), you may be tempted to call your local MD and ask his or her opinion about what you're learning. Fugedubadit! They've either never heard of Rife and rife technology or they'll spout the AMA/FDA/Big Pharma party line and say it's anecdotal and, therefore, worthless. The real problem the Medical Establishment has with Rife is that his technology actually cures all manner of disease and, in case you haven't heard, curing people is bad for business. Trust me, get this book; it's the map of the road to health.

A MUST READ for people searching for Natural Health Remedies

By Nrgymedon Feb 14, 2012

The Rife Handbook is the most amazing natural health resource out there, and no words seem to do it justice. For those who are searching for Rife information, this is not only a complete compilation of frequencies for disorders, length of time for treatment and case studies, but also a complete history of the technology and the life of Royal Raymond Rife. But this book is not only about frequency treatments. It covers information about how allopathic medicine is practiced vs how natural healing takes place, natural health information in general that you won't find out from your doctor. This is IMPORTANT information and is the foundation of true healing. Are you aware of: .. the 'poisons' that you probably consume on a daily basis? .. the flaws in drug studies and how that may affect you? .. the REAL dangers of vaccines and why? .. what is most likely in your water? .. what a healing crisis is? .. possible dangers of genetic engineering? I thought I was pretty educated in many areas of health and healing, but after reading this book I have a whole new level of understanding. I HIGHLY recommend this book for anyone wanting to get healthy and stay healthy. It is FULL of priceless info that's accessible and easy to understand, even for the layman! I keep this book on my coffee table, and it is my health library--all in one book.

This is a great book. Ms. Sylver has dug deep in her research of the important subject of electromedicine and its early proponent Royal Raymond Rife. Combining historical scholarship, a comprehensive survey of complementary therapies, and a wealth of very specific information about the hardware and 'software' of frequency healing, this one source is a treasure chest of intensively significant knowledge. The author's ability to explicate sometimes very technical and scientific information in a way that is crystal clear -- and does not need a re-read to understand -- is a revelation. This book should be in every library in the country, if it is not already. Both a 'weighty' tome, and a readily accessible (it is laid-out, referenced and indexed expertly) and beautiful book, it is one that you will read with pleasure and access again and again over the years. Happily giving this achievement five stars!

Knowing Nenah Sylver's track record of quality writing in the field of health, I was not surprised, but very grateful when I read through this new edition of The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health. This 2011 hardcover is an update of the earlier 2009 book (which had a slightly different title, The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy with a Holistic Health Primer). The two editions are very similar in theme, format and content, but in this new edition Dr. Sylver has managed to include two new appendices on new Rife research, as well as more updated details on topics covered in her previous book. I was amazed at the vast upgrade of information. The Rife Handbook is a really large reference book that I can refer to with just about any health question. Although this is a large book, the author has a very well organized chapter outline at the beginning of each chapter, and an index. Plus, everything is well documented in a comprehensive bibliography so that anyone can easily find what they're looking for. The author gives an excellent overview of almost any topic we would want to know about in our quest for healing, plus a lot of surprisingly detailed information I haven't seen anywhere else. Typical of her style, she goes beyond the stated topic and generously gives the reader much more than expected. Dr. Sylver begins with the history of pharmaceuticals, dangerous effects of drugs, who's really funding drug testing, the 'buying' of doctors, and how all this relates to the controversy between chemicals and natural the drug industry censors natural methods of healing and covers up the dangers of its moneymakers. She discusses how in many cases the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs that are used for emotional and anxiety problems are worse than any cure! And she writes about the benefits of a holistic approach to life. What an education she gives! How many people realize the wide variety of modalities one can utilize to infuse energy, vitality, voltage, resonance, and balance to one's body? In another important chapter, Dr. Sylver covers overlooked contributors to disease, opposing viewpoints on scientific theory for causation of disease, and discusses remedies..including Rife therapy. Many consumers, who are not presented with all choices of treatments, ask 'If this works so well, then why haven't I heard about it?' Royal Raymond Rife was a genius whose Ray devices had an almost 100% cure rate, for many diseases including cancer, eye diseases, and infections of all kinds. But since there wasn't any money to be made if people were healthy, the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliates persecuted Rife, and caused his friends and backers to deny they even knew him. Dr. Sylver covers the history and philosophy of Rife therapy, cautions and contraindications for use, types of Rife therapy devices and wave forms, the advantages and disadvantages of various types of devices, and how to administer sessions for a wide variety of diseases, including a nice question and answer section. The Rife Handbook also includes 204 pages of frequencies in chapter 5, tables with information on ailments, descriptions, and experimental frequencies that can be used for treatment. Dr. Sylver has a closing chapter on the emotional spectrums we go through when we find ourselves or loved ones with a terminal condition. Appendix C is a comprehensive, technical yet understandable essay on Healing with Electromedicine and Sound Therapies, which includes a wonderful section on Laser Therapy. This has been a personal life saver to me and many others I personally know. And if you're looking for a machine or health product, Appendix A gives you plenty of options. This book is more than Rife, though. It contains many other modalities to health, which makes it extremely comprehensive and wide in scope. What I've discovered in the many years of my own research is that even if one is able to kill pathogens, if one doesn't detox properly, or cleanse and rebuild with enzyme rich foods and juices, one can die as quickly from being toxic as they might from the disease itself! So Dr. Sylver wisely covers the importance of pure water, supplements, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide and ozone. She even discusses Enderlien's pleomorphism theories and homeopathic remedies. She covers glandulars, Standard Process's supplements and the founder's fight to keep them 'therapeutic,' chiropractic, light therapy, Spectro-Chrome color therapy, and so much more. My own research has shown me the value of small things like water, teas, juices and smoothies that we don't realize are vibrational in nature, but can stimulate the body's energetic vitality in core ways. The foods we eat, the way it's raised..All contribute to the energetic balance of our bodies, as life infuses life. Microwaved, over-processed dead foods cannot give life-giving nutrition and energy to our bodies. One has to understand the issues of toxicity and side effects to fully appreciate the beauty and simplicity of Natural and Holistic Medicine. With the overuse of antibiotics, and the percentage of patients becoming immune to these drugs, the benefits of Alternative Medicine become very critical! The freedom to choose one's path is based on the knowledge of choices available; and with The Rife Handbook, the reader gets quite an education as to what those choices are and why they need to be known. This 2011 Rife Handbook, similar in format to the prior hardcover volume, is not only very well written, the typesetting is exquisite. I can't recommend this volume of The Rife Handbook highly enough. It's well written, presented beautifully, and gives you much more than you are paying for in terms of subject material. We desperately need the information offered in Nenah Sylver's books. What's great is, now she's thoughtfully offered her vital resource in a digital format (look elsewhere) so that we can have the e-book in minutes instead of days. The ebook is searchable word by word, which is so helpful when looking up a specific question. The Rife Handbook is a wonderful addition to anyone's holistic library. I know you will greatly benefit from reading this fantastic reference manual! Please read my other reviews on Amazon. Jennifer Ruby

A Compendium of Holistic Health Details that You Didn't Know You Didn't Know

By Periwinkleron Oct 18, 2012

If you have never heard that scientists discovered long ago that certain frequencies shatter cancer cells, you will be amazed at the contents of this book. Dr. Nenah Sylver will give you an advanced education on topics as varied as grain addiction, precancerous conditions, oxygen therapies, parasites and pathogens, scalar waves, inexpensive home remedy recipes, and quantum mechanics. She is adept at taking the most intricate concept and rendering it understandable to the layman, often including short boxes of terminology with definitions. Dr. Sylver is a gifted writer who has sprinkled her book with pithy quotations and vignettes from luminaries in many health fields. Purchase this book and you are investing in your health and longevity, and will have an invaluable reference. I learn something new every time I open this book! This book is not for anyone who wants a quick overview of alternative healing methods. It may overwhelm you with its detail. -Linda Lavin, MS, NCC, LMHC

I have used Nenah's book and had many communications with her in recent years, including having her write a chapter on the benefits and safe use of Rife Therapies for a forthcoming volume under my editorship, ENERGY MEDICINE TECHNOLOGIES (due out from Inner Traditions in May, 2013) Having sutudied the Rife biography and materials for years, as well as using the Rife-based GB 4000 machine myself, I can say unequivocally that Nenah's RIFE HANDBOOK is the best, most comprehensive, and well-balanced handling on Rife Healing you will find. Energy medicine is one of the major frontiers in alternative healing and Rife's important and long-suppressed work in many areas, including the cure of cancer, is making a significant comeback, thanks in no small part to Nenah Sylver's contributions in this fields. If you want to know the frequencies which work best for various health problems and diseases, THIS IS THE BOOK TO GET.

This book is unique in the field of Electrotherapy and unprecedented in the field of Rife frequency technology. Nenah Sylver has obviously researched and practiced this approach to healing for decades. The quality of her work reflects a rare brand of commmitment. The book is filled with practical wisdom and hands-on information -- not only relative to Rife technology but encompassing many other effective Natural Healing modalities as well. The author is meticulous in her research and articulate in her writing. The Rife Handbook is, in my opinion, the 'Bible' of Rife technology. It is 'the missing manual' that should accompany the purchase of any Rife instrument. Ron Strauss Natural Healing Educator/Consultant

The Most Complete Reference About Rife Therapy Available

By Jerry Tennanton Oct 22, 2012

Dr. Sylver's 'Handbook' is really a 'Reference Textbook' about the contributions of Royal Rife and others to the understanding of how frequencies work in the human body. If you are interested in non-convetional ways to be healthy, this book belongs in your library. Jerry Tennant, MD, MD(H), MD(P)

This must be the best ever Rife book!! The e-book is great for when I travel! If you are a rifer you HAVE to have it.

Out of many books I've read in the past few years, about three have stood out in my mind, and then I realised that these were written by female authors. When such authors have the addition of a keen intellect, combined with the female's innate and generally higher level of intuition, and often extended ranges in sensory perception--a rare combination--an exceptional product will be the result. Such is the case with Dr. Sylver's Rife Handbook. On receiving the hardcopy I was astonished at the size and quality, and the depth of its coverage in the medical and healing fields. It is a formidable work, and I haven't found one to compare. This must be the final statement in Rife reference books and is highly and unequivocally recommended to professional technicians and amateurs in this field. I also downloaded the e-book and had no problems with the procedure, in case any potential readers are wondering. Noel Huntley, Ph.D. (Expt. Psych.)

Cancer Disease Frequency Handbook Healing Holistic Other Rife Technology

Nenah Sylver's Rife Handbook is a marvelous compendium not only of the little-known and miraculous Rife technology but also as a total resource for holistic, alternative healing philosophy and techniques. In short, it is a resource for total health and wellness, whether or not you are seriously ill. As a healthcare professional for many years (psychologist and neurotherapist)I am impressed with the depth and breadth of Dr. Sylver's scholarship in putting together this book. The crux of the work is the massive section exhaustively outlining nearly every health issue imaginable and providing the frequencies or combination of frequencies recommended for addressing those issues with maximal effectiveness. This book is required reading for anyone who is thinking of experimenting with Rife Technology and also for anyone who is considering recommending the use of Rife technology for a friend, family member, patient or client who would benefit from its use. To paraphrase the old American Express commercial: 'Don't do Rife without it!'

In the search for effective health approaches, you could do what I did, which is spend the better part of ten years culling through alternative medical websites, trying this or that approach, and eventually coming to a general understanding of what works. Or you could allow the author to put it all together for you in one place. There is so much more here than just Rife. She covers the entire landscape of alternative health in order to put Rife in context, within a set of complementary therapies. I'm astounded she was able to put this better-than-textbook together without a staff of graduate students (not boring, but information-rich). Thanks again so much to Nenah for the extraordinary effort represented by the Handbook. A tremendous reference work. I recommend the hardback version for durability. You will be pulling it out to consult on a frequent basis.

It's a super expensive tool, but Text books are crazy expensive too. I would not be without it. If you want to educate yourself about Rife and other alternative treatments, I think you will find this book valuable. I know you can find many frequencies on-line, but this puts it together in a really big package. Many other valuable tid bits of information as well. The first few chapters were things that I alreday understood, so I simply skimmed there. I have not read the book cover to cover, but I will keep it handy as a reference.

She is doing great and Rife treatments are a daily treatment

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By Robert Burnson Jun 03, 2015

Anyone dealing with cancer and looking for alternative or integrative treatments will find this book very interesting. It is a comprehensive book and my wife and I have read many since finding out her late stage cancer. She is doing great and Rife treatments are a daily treatment.

This comprehensive masterpiece, with over 768 oversized (8.5 x 11 hardbound) pages, blows me away! First, and most important, I am grateful for Dr. Nenah Sylver’s industry, her tireless energy, and the dedication that she has applied to the arduous task of writing this priceless gem. When we grasp the full nature of its content, coupled with the difficulties associated with its creation, we come away with the inevitable conclusion that this work of art is destined to become a priceless gift to humanity, and an indispensible health reference book to all who are fortunate enough to own a copy. I won’t describe the content of this Handbook, as that was done most eloquently by Peter Walker’s review (see the above 5 Star Reviews). As a retired electronics engineer, I am amazed at the beauty and clarity of Dr. Sylver’s writing style, and the way she easily manipulates the English language in order to make complex technical topics so easy to understand and assimilate. I’m also amazed at the ingenuity she employed to index the detailed list of frequencies, the comprehensive compilation of human (and animal) diseases and how to treat each, the parts of the human body affected by disease, and related information . . . ALL OF WHICH is compiled within Chapter 5. This feat greatly helps facilitate the use of this Handbook as a very practical reference for medical doctors, health practitioners, and laypeople who wish to treat themselves. To give you, the prospective buyer of this book, some idea of the complexity involved, Dr. Sylver spent what must have been thousands of hours over many years to compile, sort through, challenge, verify, and subsequently analyze the mountains of loose information gathered from a great many sources, and from all over the world. This masterpiece of work is now available to the body public that hungers for exactly this type material. Anyone who picks up this Handbook and reads the many glowing endorsements within the first few pages of the book will be convinced that the Rife Handbook is a real bargain. To quote from Dr. S. Nathan Berger, “The Rife Handbook is destined to become the definitive reference on attaining self-directed, holistic health.”

love this book

This book will be worthwhile and valuable if you actively treat patients. I use it in a clinical setting and it is well worth the price. For a casual user who doesn't take care of the ailments of a number of people, it may not be a good fit. It does cover the legality of the machines and that was interesting.

I can't speak to versions of the Rife that don't work but I can tell you that I have successfully used my Rife (bcx ultra) and have been able to heal a bone fracture that was caused by bone cancer. I have had at least two times in the last two years that I had trouble walking. Using my bcx daily plus my pulse magnetic machine has allowed me to walk, exercise, control pain and live a productive line while having bone cancer. I wish people who have not walked in my shoes would shut up about things that work without destroying the body and allowing one with cancer to treat it like a chronic condition instead of quick death sentence. Walk a mile in my shoes and will see how the bcx has been a miracle. Don't use it while doing chemo or radiation - it increases everything you do good or bad.

I am stunned at the sheer volume of information packed inside. Not just Rife Frequencies, but solid information on a wide variety of CAM - Complementary and Alternative Methods on a vast array of health and wellness concerns. I am very well versed and experienced with CAM as a patient yet I am blown away with the thoroughness and detail that is contained within. I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in Rife Technology or CAM in general. The best CAM primer I've found in a decade of searching!

MUST HAVE PARADIGM SHIFT medical Health-care Handbook

By Dr Fjt Theronon Jul 11, 2015

An Absolute MUST HAVE, PARADIGM SHIFT, Handbook, for all Health-care Professionals !! I have ordered another two. Dr FJT Theron MBChB, Dip Fam. Med. Ph.D ( Bioscience) D.Med.Sci (MS & T), Executive Health Centre E.C.

If you are going to work with Rife technology, you need this book.

By Zenia Richleron Mar 27, 2015

I don't know how one person could accumulate so much knowledge in just one lifetime. I've been researching alternative health for decades and I was astounded by the new information she provided. A job well done.