Komodo Edit 11.1.0 Build 18196 Download For Mac

Free, fast and multi-language code editor for Mac

What's new in this version:

- Abbreviations: Not triggering in certain contexts
- Check Config: Breaks if PATH is blank
- Codeintel: Prefs missing when second window opened
- Codeintel: Added fuzzy finding of completions
- Codeintel: Added support for XUL
- Codeintel: Adding Additional Directories to CodeIntel Does Prompt a Scan
- Codeintel: Consider ‘$’ and ‘@’ as completion characters for JS and CSS languages, respectively
- Codeintel: CSS: Fixed ‘!important’ value sometimes not showing in completions
- Codeintel: Ensure @property-decorated Python functions are detected as methods
- Codeintel: Expose 3rd party API catalogs in prefs
- Codeintel: find references: Handle non-word symbol characters properly
- Codeintel: Fix calltip drawing glitch
- Codeintel: Fix calltips showing twice when calltips while typing are enabled
- CodeIntel: Fix completion queries not detected properly
- CodeIntel: Fix completions inserting redundant characters for legacy languages
- CodeIntel: Fix completions not inserting properly when in the middle of a word
- CodeIntel: Fix completions not iterable under GoLang
- Codeintel: Fix completions sometimes not triggering
- Codeintel: Fix completions triggering too aggressively on CSS/SCSS/LESS and some other languages
- CodeIntel: Fix issue where Komodo was triggering stale completions
- CodeIntel: Fix rescan button not working
- CodeIntel: Fix stale completions being triggered
- Codeintel: Fix symbolbrowser icons not aligned properly
- CodeIntel: Fixed “show calltips while typing” pref not being respected
- Codeintel: Fixed autocompletions not closing when invoking the “cancel autocompletion” command
- Codeintel: Fixed calltip info not showing after first calltip
- Codeintel: Fixed jump to next/prev section in file scope
- Codeintel: Fixed legacy Python parser to handle unicode encoding errors
- Codeintel: Handle different HTML doctype declarations and use their respective stdlibs
- Codeintel: Initial support for “Find References”
- Codeintel: JavaScript: Added JSDoc completions
- Codeintel: LESS: Show variable completions
- Codeintel: Perl: Ensure variables assigned to functions are reflected as functions
- Codeintel: Perl: Fixed failing module imports
- Codeintel: Perl: Fixed nested namespace handling
- Codeintel: Python: fix parsing errors by ignoring Python 3 type hints for now
- Codeintel: Reduce symbolbrowser entry padding (more info on screen)
- Codeintel: Remove “Section List” references
- Codeintel: remove filter on view change. Load prev. filter on new view
- Codeintel: Remove memory leak on file close
- Codeintel: SCSS: Fixed completion context after SCSS variable definition
- Colorschemes: scheme changes still occur after change name dialog cancelled
- Commando: Clear cache now clears cache for all scopes
- Commando: Fix composer integration causing Komodo to hang
- Commando: List of open files is outdated
- Completions: CSS completions trigger on ‘;’
- Completions: CSS don’t show completions on ‘,’
- Completions: Golang, don’t do completions on ‘;’
- Dialogs: Dialogs open empty on OSX
- Dynamic buttons: menupopup spans entire screen
- Dynamic toolbar: add cpanm initialize button
- Editor: Do not cancel XML tag editing on backspace
- Editor: Fixed hang with multiple selections over variables
- File Template: Add interpolation to file templates
- Find: Can’t close “Floating” find results tabs
- Find: replace: Allow “replace all” in any non-binary (text) file
- Find: Use original directory when searching again with find in files
- FTPS: Unable to connect to FTPS on OSX
- Git: commit dialog can’t show diff for deleted files
- Git: missing branches in status bar
- Help: Fix help system and tags. Fixes #1174 and probably others
- Icons: incorrect handling of local paths. Convert paths to URIs
- Interpolation: incorrect input and name of selection intrpl
- KoDoc: Allow for languages with no file extension
- Komodo: thinks it closed improperly when asked to restart
- Lint: JavaScript: Added support for EsLint by Defman21
- Lint: JSX: Switched JSX linter from legacy jsxhint to new eslint linter
- Lint: python: pyflakes: Handle unexpected indentation errors
- Macro: Workaround async paste on Linux
- Places: Exception thrown when New File exists already
- Prefs: Check config window pref buttons are broken
- Prefs: Don’t set invalid interpreter unless user chooses to
- Prefs: Project lvl lang include paths pref blocks global even when deleted
- Print Preview: Print preview not working
- Printdebug: fix icon, active state, UX updates
- PrintDebug: some property fields not loading properly
- Printing: Fix printing not working
- Projects: Project won’t load while restoring window
- Projects: Remove outdated Firefox project template
- Projects: Rmv old Komodo addon template project
- ProjectWizard: Don’t allow file path in project path field
- Publishing: Alert user if push fails due to connection issues
- Publishing: Allow to reload after sync. Don’t force reopn of dialog
- Publishing: Dialog appears to hang on large projects. Give more feedback
- Publishing: Force action confirmation dialog cuts off text
- Publishing: Force push and Pull don’t work for multiple files
- Publishing: Force Push/Pull warning msg doesn’t fit in dialog box
- Publishing: Incorrect tooltiptext for reload sync status
- Publishing: Progress bar not working in dialog
- Refactoring: “show changes” button never enables
- Refactoring: breaks in JS files on anonymous functions
- Refactoring: Fixed error raised when attempting to rename variable
- Refactoring: Komodo gets stuck after diff’ing proposed changes
- Refactoring: Make renameVar more reliable with CI3
- Refactoring: refactoring changes global “find” settings
- Refatoring: Rename Variable not working
- Remote Files: reconnect fails with SSH key configured
- Run: Preserve Windows ‘’ path separators
- Runinline: lang included directories pref ignored
- SCC: bad layout of Push dialog. Fixes #2296
- SCC: file context for SCC should override Places
- Scintilla: win32: Disallow handling of some deprecated WM_ and EM_ messages
- Scope completions now attempt to show all possible top-level symbols as approximate matches
- SDK: Fix Shell docs comments and add more informative details
- SDK: Fix textbox value not properly being set if it’s already in the DOM
- SDK: return menuitem when adding item to a UI menu
- Slack Share: Allow direct msgs and msgs to groups
- Snippets: indentation wrong when multiline selection injected
- Startup Wizard: Doc links open dialog behind wizard
- Symbol Browser: Scroll Code browser to scope. Marketing plan pro 11.0 torrent 2017. Includes scroll buffer pref
- Templates: HTML5 templates open as HTML
- Templates: file from template from places loses language
- Toolbar: Sidebar show/hide command has wrong desc
- Toolbox: Update Abbreviations with language field
- Toolbox: Add “General” lang to support snippet injection into any file type
- Toolbox: Convert snippet to Print Statement get wrong language
- Toolbox: HTML file templates empty
- Toolbox: Snippet props, prevent error when langage isn’t set
- Toolbox: update sample tool
- Toolbox: writeCleanData not writing correct wrapper for komodo meta
- Tutorials: Can’t open floating tutorials
- Tutorials: using chrome close button doesn’t close tutorial properly
- UI Layout: Save layout to prefs after customizing
- UI: toggle file tabs menu option state not propagating
- Ui/Textbox: Can’t set textbox to “”, returns curr val
- Uilayout: fix error calling saveState for prefs
- Unit testing: Fix pytest tests not parsing properly under pytest 3.3
- Unit tests: Fix unit tests not running due to “ko undefined” error
- Unittests: Troublel with dots
- View: Link Views menu item isn’t updating
- Views: Files sometimes open with blank views
- Views: Extend ko/views with splitview funcs
- Views: Implement multiview scrolling
- Widgets: bootstrapped addon widgets not restsoring from shutdown
- Widgets: Komodo sometimes hung when opening second window
- Widgets: Make sure widget opens in default location if floating pane load fails
- Widgets: restore floating pane position on reboot
- Widgets: save tab order and support placing a widget when it’s added after ui restore has run
- Widgets: UI not restored properly after crash
- Workspace2: essentially merge with original workspace code
- Workspaces: Upgrade prefs, remove stale window prefs
- Xdebug: Add PHP 7.2 bits

Komodo Edit 11.1.0 Build 18196 Download For Mac

Komodo Edit 6.0.0 RC1 1 - Komodo Edit 6.0. Komodo Edit 6.1.1 Build 7295 - Komodo Edit 6.1.1 Build 7295 is developed to be an essential program which can focus on what your code can do,let your editor sweat the details. Komodo Edit is a multi-language editor that makes it easy to write quality code.

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