Selected Driver Not Found 10202 Logic Problems

A very common cause of confusion for a new user of Pro Tools is not knowing what to do when you hit play only to be greeted by silence. Here are some things to know.

Jul 31, 2016  (Code 10)” It is a potential problem caused by the “drivers” of your computer not functioning correctly. It can occur just when you are updating recommendable software, installing driver.

1 - Check hardware first!

Because there are so many things which can go wrong in software it is tempting to assume that the problem must be in Pro Tools software - Not necessarily!

2 - Is the volume up?

Don’t crank it up and leave it there if it is not the problem, turn it back down or you might get a big shock when you do find what is wrong.

3 - Are your peripherals connected and powered?

A buss powered audio interface should have status lights on it. Are they on? A common mistake which I have to admit I have made more than once in a computer lab style classroom is to adjust the headphone level of the interface being used by the person next to me.

4 - Look at the software settings

Once you have eliminated obvious hardware issues (are your headphones plugged in? I know it sounds obvious but I have watched people busily check I/O settings with their headphones disconnected more than once) it is time to look at the Pro Tools software.

5 - System Preferences vs Playback Engine

Many new users do not appreciate that there are audio settings for the whole OS (i.e. computer-wide) and audio settings for the specific application you are using (i.e. Pro Tools). Changing system settings will not affect Pro Tools, to do that you need to access the Pro Tools playback engine.

The Pro Tools Playback Engine is accessed from the Setup menu and it is here you can select which audio interface you wish to use with Pro Tools. Because there are sound settings for the operating system (i.e. the whole computer - web browser, iTunes etc.) and for just for Pro Tools, it is possible to have sound hardware which is used by the rest of the system and different hardware which is just used by Pro Tools. The available Pro Tools playback engines are accessible from here. People trying to fix a playback engine issue by changing the System Preferences > Sound settings (PC - Control Panel > Hardware and Sound) is one of the most common causes of confusion I have come across. If you are using on board sound hardware on a Mac you will be using Core Audio. If you are using Windows you will need to use an ASIO driver for your on board audio on your PC. ASIO4All is a generic ASIO diver for windows machines. Neil posted a video on setting this up. On a Mac Pro Tools sees the core audio input and output as separate devices and Avid created an aggregate device combining them both called Pro Tools Aggregate IO. If you want to use the on board IO this is the option you need.

6 - Outputs inactive/unavailable

To hear a track it has to be routed to an available output. It is unusual for this to present many problems unless a session has been created on another system. If is has then Pro Tools should be able to “map” the outputs imported with the session onto the appropriate output on the system the session is being opened on. If this does not work the invalid output will show up as italicised. The most straightforward way to fix this is to hold down option/alt and click on the output selector for one of the tracks which is assigned to the inactive main output and select the appropriate available output. Using the option/alt key will apply this change to all tracks in the session apart from masters. Hidden & dangerous 2. This will of course disrupt any submixing or bussing in the session. There are more elegant ways of fixing this problem but for simple session this method is adequate.


7 - Mix Control/Software

A final thing to check is whether any features designed to provide low latency monitoring while tracking are the problem. This only affects users with external audio interfaces but a common cause of confusion is the role of the mix control found on many USB interfaces. Use of these is beyond the scope of this article but if you cannot hear playback from Pro Tools make sure the mix control is not turned fully towards “input”. Some interfaces use some kind of mixer software external to Pro Tools to achieve the same thing. If your interface uses proprietary mixer software check the settings.

Guys, I've solved my problem about that error -10202 (Selected driver not found). I have installed in my Mac Pro (OS X 10.5.8) a document with an extension '.rsrc' to correct the position of the accents in my keyboard, like acute accent, tilde and circumflex.

I keep getting the 'SELECTED DRIVER NOT FOUND. Logic Pro 9.1.5 // selected driver not found -10202 All replies. Stan Getz Sax Solos Pdf Viewer more. No driver found for new USB drives.

That file is called 'U.S. - International.rsrc' and it's stored in the following path: 'Macintosh HD/Library/Keyboard Layouts' So, when it's properly installed, I can choose 2 country flags on the right side of the menu bar (U.S. - International and Brazilian).

That's the clue! When I pick up 'U.S. - International', my keyboard works fine with the accents, >>>BUT. Similar Messages • after downloading osx 10.9.2 when i open my logic pro 9 and begin to audition loops that came with lp9 i get a message that says 'audio device has been removed and then a second message the ' select driver not found(-10202). My interface is a apogee duet.

Can anyone provide a solution to this problem. Thanks YES!!! Guys, I've solved my problem about that error -10202 (Selected driver not found). I have installed in my Mac Pro (OS X 10.5.8) a document with an extension '.rsrc' to correct the position of the accents in my keyboard, like acute accent, tilde and circumflex. That file is called 'U.S. - International.rsrc' and it's stored in the following path: 'Macintosh HD/Library/Keyboard Layouts' So, when it's properly installed, I can choose 2 country flags on the right side of the menu bar (U.S.

- International and Brazilian). That's the clue! When I pick up 'U.S.

- International', my keyboard works fine with the accents, >>>BUT You may need to try this More than Once. If the Device has been Modified. This will Not necessarily work. • I have an iPod Classic 160GB and now it will not sync.

I have restored to factory settings multiple times. It freezes during sync, gives -50 error code and says video is not supported on iPod. This is the iPod touch forum. I requested the moderators to move your post to the iPod classic forum.

• i forgot my pass code.and also itune do not recognizing my ipad You need to follow the instructions in the article you reference, restore using the recovery mode as described in which should also make iTunes see the iPad. • I am getting error message 'the recipient was rejected by ther server' when trying yo send an email. How do I fix it?? Hello, Oldershaw.

Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities. Here is an article I would recommend going through when experiencing issues with mail. IOS: Troubleshooting Mail Cheers, Jason H. • My ipod touch is not listed as a device when connected to my computer.

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As suggested I attempted to download the latest of itunes. I got an ox8007054f error code and the down load will not complete.

I have also tried to restore my computer to an earlier setting, but it will not accept the change. Have you looked at this completed previos discussion. It discusses 0x8007054F.

Re: Error message when trying to install iTunes • We are having trouble getting the Error code and Error description in the Alerts and we're having trouble getting a alert for message mapping exceptions. I have read through the BLOGs and the help on SAP. I'm not sure it is something to do with the configuration or SP14. We did not have these problems with SP12 at our other customer XI implementations. Background - We have setup an 'XI Alert' classification with three Alert categories -'XI_Mapping_Error', 'XI_Adapter_Error', 'XI_Runtime_Error'. For the 'XI_Mapping_Error' alert category, we have setup a rule so that any Integration Engine Application Mapping.* Error code will create an alert. However, when we have a mapping error in XI which we can see in MONI, we do not get an alert.

The checkbox for 'Suppress Multiple Alerts of this Rule' is not selected. Singles Happy End Raritan. I am not sure why we're not getting the alert. For the 'XI_Adapter_Error' alert category, we have setup a rule so that any Adapter Engine * adapter type will create an alert. The alert gets created - however, some of the container variables do not get poulated in the email. We have defined Container variables pointing to the corresponding ABAP data dictionary elements - i have double checked these definitions. Here is an alert email - the Error Code (SXMS_ERROR_CODE - SXMSERRTX) and Error Category (SXMS_ERROR_CAT - SXMSERRCAT) are not being extracted: Alert ID: ##23896## Error Code = Error Category = Message ID = 1506eab0-6125-11da-9ba2-00505685 Time = 14:26:12 Date = Sender Party = Sender Service = BS_CPI Sender Interface = MI_CPI_INV_RFC_REQ_ABS Receiver Party = Receiver Service = BS_CPI Receiver Interface = We are not able to figure out why the Alert framework is not working correctly.