Valentino Rossi Salary

Since joining World Championship racing in 1996 (former 125cc class), Rossi took nine world titles, including seven in the premier class.

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Wealthiest Italian motorbike racer Valentino Rossi was born in Urbino, Italy. His parents Graziano (father) and Stefania Rossi (mother) brought him up along with two siblings Luca Marini and Clara Rossi. As per the resources, it is found that his father also took part in the racing contests. As a kid, his mother gifted him a kart rather than giving him a bike as she was an over-possessive mother. By the age of 5, his kart speed was upgraded with a 60cc motor to 100cc motor and in doing so he conquers the local cart championship.

In 1991-end, Valentino became a proficient biker and liked to partake in multiple events. Additionally, he competes in national kart championships that occurred at Parma and ultimately took the 5th position. Afterward, his father brought a mini moto for him exclusively so that he trains himself about the particulars of minimoto racing.

In 1993, Valentino’s father’s friend Claudio Lusuardi supported him to join the Cagiva Sports Production team and in a while, he rode Cagiva Mito 125cc motorcycle and finished at ninth place. Through his first race was peculiar as his first bike crashed, but his family reinforces him to join Italian Sports Production Championship. In 1994, he achieved his first title.

During 1996-1997, Valentino raced for 125cc using a Rotax Engine and then switched to Aprilia. Later from 1998-1999, Valentino participated in 250cc World Championship. Since 2000, he is participating in MotoGP World Championships.

In 2001, he became the victor of the 500cc World Championship with Honda. In the next two seasons i.e. during 2002 and 2003 he won the MotoGP World Championships and maintained the streak of one after the other championships by conquering the 2004 and 2005 titles after quitting Honda and joining Yamaha. In 2008, he again gained the title and preserved it till 2009. In 2011, he switched to Ducati while during the 2013 and 2014 season he signed up with Yamaha.

Valentino Rossi Salary 2020:

  • Around, $12 Million is the Valentino Rossi salary 2020.

Valentino Rossi Sponsors 2020:

  • Like other athletes, besides earnings from the racing, he is also working with few sponsors. In 2009, he signed a contract of $3.2 million with Monster Energy Drink Company. Furthermore, he also worked for Honda, Bridgestone, Oakley, Yamaha, and many others.

Endorsements Earnings of Last Year: $10 Million

Valentino Rossi Net Worth 2020:

  • About, $140 Million is the Valentino Rossi net worth 2020.

Valentino Rossi Earnings 2020:

  • The present one is not confirmed but last year he earned about $23 Million.
Valentino Rossi Salary

Till date, he has garnered Grand Prix World Championship nine times out of which sever were of the premier class. He has also made a record of winning most 500cc/MotoGP races. Hence winnings and sponsors added a lot to his total sum.