Websphere Application Server 6.1 Test Environment

I have an enterprise application, that works on WebSphere 5.1 Test environment but does not work on WebSphere6.0 inside RAD 6.0. Also, if the application is deployed from WebSphere6.0 admin console (outside RAD) that works fine too. Is there anything. Problem starting websphere test environment server 2013-06-30.

This section describes how to install and configure the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server agentin a single WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 environment, including:

To install this agent in a Network Deployment environment, you mustinstall and configure one agent instance onto the Deployment Manager serverinstance, each Node Agent instance, each Portal Server instance, and eachApplication Server instance.

Caution –

Before installing the agent, you must stop the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 environment,including the Application Server server1 instance and thePortal Server WebSphere_Portal instance.

Pre-Installation Tasks for the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agentin Single WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 Environment

The pre-installation tasks for WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 are the same as Pre-Installation Tasks for the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent.

Note: Each agent instance must havea unique agent profile. You can create each agent profile as described in Creating an Agent Profile or during the agent installationusing the agentadmin --custom-install option.

Installing the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent in aSingle WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 Environment

When you install the agent on WebSphere Portal Server 6.1, you must run the agentinstallation program on every instance of the underlying WebSphere ApplicationServer. In a single Portal Server environment, this includes two instances:the default instance, often named server1, and the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 instance,often named WebSphere_Portal.

In a single Portal Server environment, the recommended installationsequence is:

Installing the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent on theApplication Server server1 Instance

Install the first instance of the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server agent on theApplication Server server1 instance.

To Install the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent on theApplication Server server1 Instance

  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 environment is down.

  2. On the machine running WebSphere Portal Server 6.1, install the agent onto theApplication Server server1 instance, as described in Installing the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent.

    Installation considerations are:

    • Use the agentadmin --custom-install option.

    • Several prompts specific to this installation are:



    Instance Config Directory

    Path to the configuration directory for the WebSphere Application Serverinstance. For example:


    Server Instance Name

    Name of the WebSphere Application Server instance. For example: server1

    Agent URL

    Agent URL, including the deployment URI. For example:


    Note: This URL is where agentapp will be deployed. 10000 is default port of the server1 instance.

Installing the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent on the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 WebSphere_Portal Instance

To Install the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent on the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 WebSphere_Portal Instance

  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 environment is down.

  2. On the machine running WebSphere Portal Server 6.1, install the agent onto thePortal Server WebSphere_Portal instance, as described in Installing the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent.

    Installation considerations are:

    • Use the agentadmin --custom-install option.

    • Several prompts specific to this installation are:



    Instance Config Directory

    Path to the configuration directory for the WebSphere Application Serverinstance. For example:


    Server Instance Name

    Name of the WebSphere Application Server instance. For example: WebSphere_Portal

    Agent URL

    Agent URL, including the deployment URI. For example:


    Note: This URL is where agentapp will be deployed. 10040 is default port of the WebSphere_Portal instance.

Post-Installation Tasks for the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agentin a Single WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 Environment

Some of the following post-installation tasks are unique to WebSphere Portal Server 6.1,while other tasks are identical to the same task for WebSphere ApplicationServer:


WebSphere Portal Server: Creating the Primary AdministrativeUser in OpenSSO Enterprise

Perform this task once for all agent instances. This user (for example, wasadmin) is either the administrative user who installs WebSpherePortal Server or an administrative user designated after the WebSphere PortalServer installation is finished.

Note: You can skip this task if thisadministrative user or an equivalent has already been configured to authenticatewith OpenSSO Enterprise.

Otherwise, by default, create wasadmin in the OpenSSOembedded Configuration Data Store. This data store needs to be involved inauthentication with OpenSSO Enterprise (for example, via an authenticationchain).

Follow the steps in Creating the Primary Administrative User in OpenSSO Enterprise.

WebSphere Portal Server: Deploying the Agent Application

Perform this task for each WebSphere Application Server instance, includingthe Application Server server1 instance and the PortalServer WebSphere_Portal instance.

Follow the steps in Deploying the Agent Application.

WebSphere Portal Server: Performing Global ConfigurationTasks

Perform the following tasks only ifyou are also Performing Global Configuration Tasks for WebSphere Application Server 6.1/7.0:

WebSphere Portal Server: Adding an OpenSSO EnterpriseTrust Association Interceptor to WebSphere Application Server

Follow the steps in Adding an OpenSSO Enterprise Trust Association Interceptor to WebSphere Application Server 6.1/7.0.

WebSphere Portal Server: Changing the Logout LinkActions for WebSphere Portal Server 6.1

This task provides a seamless user experience of single sign-off withOpenSSO Enterprise.

To Change the Logout Link Actions for WebSphere Portal Server 6.1

  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server and WebSpherePortal Server 6.1 instances are running.

  2. Access the WebSphere administrative console by entering thefollowing URL in the location field of a Web browser:


    where example.com is the name of the server and admin_port isthe port assigned to the administrative console.

  3. Click Resources > Resources Environment > Resource EnvironmentProviders.

  4. On the Resource Environment Providers page, make the appropriateselection, depending on your version of WebSphere Application Server and yourportal environment:

    • For WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1, select the appropriatenode or cluster from the scopes pull-down list, depending on your portal environment.

    • For WebSphere Application Server Version 7.0, select the appropriatenode or cluster from the scopes pull-down list. Or uncheck the Show Scopeselection drop-down checkbox and select one of the following options, dependingon your portal environment:

      • If your portal is running as a single server, select BrowseNodes and select the node.

      • If your portal is installed in a cluster, select Browse Clustersand select the portal cluster.

  5. Select the “WP ConfigService” service.

  6. Click Custom Properties.

  7. Do the following, as required:

    • Set redirect.logout to true.

    • Set redirect.logout.ssl to true or false, depending upon the environment.

    • Set redirect.logout.url to the OpenSSOEnterprise logout URL. For example:


    • When you are done, click Save at the top of the screen underMessage(s).

  8. If you are running a cluster configuration, replicate yourchanges to the cluster.

WebSphere Portal Server: Enabling Global Securityfor WebSphere Application Server

If Global Security is not enabled, follow the steps in Enabling Global Security for WebSphere Application Server 6.1/7.0.

WebSphere Portal Server: Setting the ApplicationLogout URI For the IBM Console

For each agent profile, including the agent profile for the WebSphereApplication Server server1 instance and the WebSphere PortalServer WebSphere_Portal instance, perform the steps in Setting the Application Logout URI For the IBM Console.

WebSphere Portal Server: Enabling Cookie Reset forthe Agent Profile

For each agent profile, including the agent profile for the WebSphereApplication Server server1 instance and the WebSphere PortalServer WebSphere_Portal instance, perform the steps in Enabling Cookie Reset for the Agent Profile.

WebSphere Portal Server: Installing the Agent Filterfor the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console

Perform the steps in Installing the Agent Filter for the WebSphere Application Server 6.1/7.0 Administration Console.

Adding the Agent Filter to the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 Application

This required task integrates the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 instance with the OpenSSOEnterprise environment.

Note: Perform this task only onceper WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 instance for a given host.

The WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server agent provides a servlet filterthat you can add to the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 application. This filter allows theenforcement of coarse grained URL policies defined within OpenSSO Enterpriseserver to further control the access to protected resources on the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 instance.The filter can also be configured to provide additional personalization informationin the form of HTTP headers, cookies, or HTTP request attributes that canbe used to further enhance the functionality of the protected components.

To Add the Agent Filter to the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 Application

  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 environment is down.

  2. Locate the wps.war/WEB-INF/web.xml file,which contains the deployment descriptors for WebSphere Portal Server 6.1.

    WebSphereApplication Server can read this file at runtime from either of the followingdirectories:

    • WAS-base/wp_profile/installedApps/Cell-Name/wps.ear/wps.war/WEB-INF

    • WAS-base/wp_profile/config/cells/Cell-Name/applications/wps.ear/deployments/wps/wps.war/WEB-INF


    • WAS-base representsthe directory where WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 was installed

    • Cell-Name representsthe WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 cell protected by the agent. The default is hostname.

  3. Backup the two web.xml files before modifyingthe deployment descriptors.

    Since you will modify the deploymentdescriptor in the next step, creating backup files is important, especiallyif you need to uninstall the agent in the future.

  4. Edit both web.xml files from the previousstep, as follows:

WebSphere Portal Server: Creating the Necessary URLPolicies

If the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server agent is installed and configured to operatein ALL mode, you must create the appropriate URL policies.

Note: Since WebSphere Portal Serveris protected by J2EE declarative security, the agent should operate in J2EE_POLICYor ALL mode.

For example, if WebSphere Application Server with the AdministrationConsole is listening on ports 10027 (http) and 10041 (https), respectively, and WebSphere Portal Server is listening onport 10040 (http), create the following polices for theWebSphere Administrative user ID (wasadmin or wpsadmin) to allow the user access to the WebSphere Administration Consoleand Portal Server URLs:

URLs for the Portal Server WebSphere_Portal Instance

  • http://agenthost.example.com:10027/*

  • https://agenthost.example.com:10041/*

  • http://agenthost.example.com:10040/*

  • https://agenthost.example.com:10041/*?*

  • http://agenthost.example.com:10040/*?*


  • These examples assume that http://agenthost.example.com:10027/ibm/console is the Administration console URL on WebSphere_Portal and http://agenthost.example.com:10040/wps/myportal is the Portal ServerURL.

  • Port 10041 is the corresponding https portof http port 10027. When an http requestcomes to port 10027, it will be redirected to 10041 as an https request.

  • Only the protected portal http://agenthost.example.com:10040/wps/myportal is supported by the agent. The non-protected portal http://agenthost.example.com:10040/wps/portal is not supported.

URLs for the Application Server server1 Instance

  • http://agenthost.example.com:10001/*

  • https://agenthost.example.com:10003/*

  • http://agenthost.example.com:10000/*

  • https://agenthost.example.com:10003/*?*

  • http://agenthost.example.com:10000/*?*


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  • These examples assume that http://agenthost.example.com:10001/ibm/console is the Administration console URL on server1and http://agenthost.example.com:10000 is the server1 serverURL.

  • Port 10003 is the corresponding https portof http port 10001. When an http requestcomes to port 10001, it will be redirected to 10003 as an https request.

WebSphere Portal Server: Considering Optional Tasks

Consider the other Optional Post-Installation Tasks for the WebSphere Application Server/Portal Server Agent.

WebSphere Portal Server: Restarting WebSphere Portal Server 6.1

After you are finished performing all post-installation tasks, restartthe WebSphere Portal Server 6.1 environment.